Am I in my head or my heart?

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2020

How do I know if I am in my head or my heart?


Are you mainly thinking your thoughts,

Or are you mainly feeling your senses? 


The proposed question itself, however, is telling of an analytical mind.

The heart just knows.

The head wants to analyze to understand to figure out fully to think it knows.


It’s not one or the other that is the goal,

But a sliding scale spectrum between the two that shifts moment to moment.


In times of danger, your head and good judgement will help you survive.

In times of ease, your heart will help you open up to yours senses to fully connect. 


Different seasons call for different recipes.

And that knowing of what season you are in… is simply a knowing. 


It’s been said that the mind makes a perfect slave but a terrible master. 

It’s also been said that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick.


So then, anything in excess or deprivation, is considered toxic. 


You need good judgement to tame your deceitful heart

Like you need your heart to be the master of your mind.


There is no clear cut answer here because the answer is dependant on a multitude of factors.


Tao Te Ching puts it perfectly: The way that can be spoken of is not the constant way. 


What IS important, however, is that there is a connection to your senses, and awareness over your mind. This is where the true harmonious power of designing your life and the world around you lives.


it's not head vs heart

its head with heart


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