What part of you are you most scared of losing?

Uncategorized Jul 24, 2020

Your money?
Your body?
Your status?
Your relationship?
Your things?

Because once you start to place your identity on anything external, you give your power away and get stuck on a roller coaster of emotions, always clenching your butthole of fear of losing that thing or letting others down. It may last so long that you change every facet of your life... who you hang out with, what you do, how you dress, how you talk... to where a few years out you become so far removed from who you truly are... yet you think you're making progress because there has been so much change, when in fact, you're just becoming what you think the world needs you to become to feel worthy of love/attention... falling deeper and deeper from your truth.

For me..
It was my relationship. So she ended things and I had to learn to love myself.
Then it was my body. So I got injured and lost 35lbs of muscle and I had to learn to accept my body.
Then it was my status. So I got fired from my job and I had to learn to listen twice as much as I speak.
Then it was my money. So I got 150K in debt and lost it all and had to learn to be content and grateful for what I did have.
Then it was my business. Well... that leads me to today where there is LOTS changing in that area as I type this...

Be careful where you place your identity my friends, and where you get your happiness from. You can either make the change now before it's too late, or God can punch you in the mouth and crush your ego to bring you back to your pure essence. Up to you tho 


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